

A consortium of public and private organizations is developing TradePort California.  Public project partners include a range of public bodies including the US Department of Transportation, the State of California, thirteen counties and councils of governments, three air quality districts and three seaports.  The Fresno Council of Governments has acted as public sector coordinator on behalf of the public participants. Fresno CoG’s role includes coordinating transportation planning, developing public policy consensus, representing the project funding requirements for public investment, providing legislative briefings and community engagement.  
There are a myriad of private companies that have been supportive and involved in planning, specifications development, and logistics strategy, including shippers and companies involved in clean energy, logistics, truck and equipment production, telecommunications, and infrastructure investment. 

Project Delivery

GLDPartners is the project development partner, managing market development, business model structure, site strategy and modeling, market development, public-private project finance, legal and delivery entity structuring. 
A talented team of delivery partners has come together to plan and execute TradePort California. Prior to the development of this structure, there was no organization responsible to deliver a project as multi-faceted and complex as this Project.

With a myriad of public sector partners representing federal, state, local government, air quality districts and seaports, a world-class team of private partner specialists have come together to assure delivery of a complex project.  With government partners, a team has been crafted, including with expertise in the following areas: logistics, project finance, public-private partnerships, transportation technology and telecommunications. 

Public Partners

  • US Department of Transportation 
  • State of California: Calsta, Caltrans, GO-Biz, iBank, Governor’s Office of Planning, Food and Agriculture, Energy Commission
  • Seaports: Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach, Port of Stockton 
  • Fresno Council of Governments; Representing eight other Councils of Governments including the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, San Joaquin Council of Governments, Stanislaus Council of Governments, Merced County Association of Governments, Madera County Transportation Commission. Tulare County Association of Governments, Kings County Association of Governments, Kern Council of Governments  
  • Air Quality Districts: South Coast Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District